File Upload

The first time you upload a file, our Production Team will review your file carefully. If problems or issues are found, we will get back to you right away.

Getting Started

Prior to NCOA processing, a Processing Acknowledgment (PAF) form must be on file. You'll be prompted to complete it when you first log in.

Info Processing

We're good

  • No Setup Cost
  • No Long-term Contracts
  • No Volume Requirements
  • Support Ticket System
  • Flexible data formatting
  • Lowest minimum fees
  • The industry's best privacy
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The Best Data Privacy   

  • Other info providers track you
  • We don't track you at all
  • Zero 3rd party analytics
  • Zero social media tracking
  • Zero use of tracking cookies
  • No location-based tracking
  • No web beacons or clear gifs
  • No flash cookies or LSO's
  • No IP Address tracking

The web's best NCOALink processing solution...Since 2002

Submitting your first file

How to update your list

Guideline for creating your first file for processing

Creating your list for information processing can sometimes seem like a challenge...but it doesn't have to be.

Just remember this: you can keep your layout as simple as you want & put your columns in any order.

Important: Make sure your list includes a header record. This is the line at the very top of your list, which provides the names of the columns in your data. Our system utilizes the header to read your file. Keep your column names simple & short and do not use special characters (*$!.%/&@ etc) in the header. Also: Your header record should not contain duplicate column names.

Preferred format: XLS / XLSX for small to medium sized lists (for larger lists, ie over 100K rows, Tab-delimited is recommended). Note: One sheet per file; multi-sheet workbooks not allowed. No blank rows between rows. No blank columns between columns. 75 character max length per column. Also, no hidden columns please.

Your columns: At a minimum, you'll want to include columns for name, address, city, state, and zip. You can have more columns than that, whatever is necessary on your end for working with the return data. Users typically include a Ref#, UniqueID, VoterID#, Account#, etc.

  • Name data: Your list can contain a single name column or split into separate columns
    • Note: If using a single name column, and last name is first, the last name should be separated with a comma, like this: DOE, JOHN Q. Otherwise it should simply be JOHN Q DOE

  • Address data: Your list can have up to 3 columns (Address1, Address2, Address3)
    • Note: Address columns should only contain mailing address values (ie 123 Main St), not City State or Zip values

  • City State & Zip: Your list can have a single CSZ column, or separated into 3 columns
For fastest processing, name your columns accordingly:
  • If using a single full name: NAME
  • If using a separated name: FIRSTNAME (for individual's given name) LASTNAME (for individual's surname) MIDDLENAME (optional) SUFFIX (optional). Any combination of these works.
  • Your address columns: ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ADDRESS3
  • If using a single CityStateZip column: CSZ, otherwise use CITY, ST, ZIP
  • If updating a business list, use COMPANY to designate organization name
  • If zipping your list please make sure there is a single file per zip file
Note: For Reverse Email Append, the only required column is email address

NCOAsource has years of experience working with complex data mapping and the transfer of data between different data requirements. Chances are pretty good that we can accommodate your existing data layout.

Data formats accepted:
XLSX, XLS, Tab-delimited, CSV, TXT, and custom delimiters

More info on how to structure your file for NCOA processing:

»»  Input File Specifications  ««

No matter how you end up structuring your data, the first time you upload a file our proprietary AutoPrep system will review the formatting of your list. If issues are found with your columns, format, naming convention, layout, etc., we'll get back to you right away.

Q & A:

  • Do I need to submit a PAF form before uploading my first file? Only for NCOA and PCOA (not necessary for other processing). To complete your PAF form, simply log in to the Member File Area and follow the prompts.
  • Do I need to notify you when I am uploading? No. That is handled automatically.
  • Will I receive confirmation that my upload was successful? Yes. Within minutes after uploading, you will receive the Upload Confirmation email.
  • What will happen if the data I upload is not in the right format? If your data is not 'workable' you will be notified by Production. Also included in the email will be instructions for improving and/or reformatting your input data.
  • Is there a way to add notes when I upload a file? Yes. Just click Add Job Notes. This ensures that any additional instructions are taken into consideration before processing.
  • Will my return data include all of my original columns? Yes. All original columns and data are returned intact, followed by the appended columns.
  • I'm an Excel user. How many sheets can I include? Single sheet per Excel file.
  • If I upload an Excel file will my return data be in Excel? Yes.
  • How will I know when my file is done? You will receive the File Completion Notification email with instructions for file retrieval.
  • What if I upload the wrong file & need to cancel processing? Processing is very fast, so this would have to be done right away. In the moments after uploading if you realize you uploaded the wrong file click Add Job Notes and request cancellation. Note: this only works if the file has not already begun processing. Always best to make sure you're uploading the correct file first!

Questions...Feel free to ask us!